Witze des Tages, UDP/TCP

Aus der Reihe „Zitate“:

I would tell you a UDP joke, but you might not get it. @monkeydom

Würde euch nen TCP-Witz erzählen, aber bis wir mit Händeschütteln fertig sind hab ich ihn vergessen. @toastroom

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  1. „Hi, I’d like to hear a TCP joke.“
    „Hello, would you like to hear a TCP joke?“
    „Yes, I’d like to hear a TCP joke.“
    „OK, I’ll tell you a TCP joke.“
    „Ok, I will hear a TCP joke.“
    „Are you ready to hear a TCP joke?“
    „Yes, I am ready to hear a TCP joke.“
    „Ok, I am about to send the TCP joke. It will last 10 seconds, it has two characters, it does not have a setting, it ends with a punchline.“
    „Ok, I am ready to get your TCP joke that will last 10 seconds, has two characters, does not have an explicit setting, and ends with a punchline.“
    „I’m sorry, your connection has timed out. Hello, would you like to hear a TCP joke?“

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